Will My Part-Time Gig Impact My Social Security Disability Benefits? Learn All About Earning Income While Receiving Social Security Disability Benefits

Although Social Security Disability benefits are undoubtedly extremely important and critical to the lives of many disabled and retired Americans, the truth of the matter is that not every Social Security Disability recipient can easily live their life on just their Social Security Disability benefits alone. Indeed, sometimes facing a drastic cut in the money coming in before, disabled and retired Social Security Disability recipients may decide that they need to look for some work to supplement their benefits. But what impact does working have on a disabled or retired individual’s eligibility for Social Security Disability benefits, and what can disabled and retired individuals do to get help with their Social Security Disability cases? To help Social Security Disability benefits recipients and disabled and retired Social Security Disability applicants better understand the effects of additional income on Social Security Disability benefits eligibility, and how to get legal help, we answer those questions here.
Is It Possible to Lose Social Security Disability Benefits by Working Too Much?
Although Social Security Disability benefits recipients have, arguably, a little more “wiggle room” to earn some extra income than Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients (as SSI is a needs-based program), the truth is that earning extra income could impact your eligibility to keep receiving your Social Security Disability benefits. According to the Social Security Administration’s rules and regulations, a person receiving Social Security Disability benefits may take advantage of a “trial work period”. The Social Security Administration establishes that, “During a trial work period, a beneficiary receiving Social Security disability benefits on the basis of his or her own earnings history may test his or her ability to work and still be considered disabled. We do not consider services performed during the trial work period as showing that the disability has ended until services have been performed in at least 9 months (not necessarily consecutive) in a rolling 60-month period.” Importantly, “In 2024, any month in which earnings exceed $1,110 is considered a month of services for an individual’s trial work period. In 2025, this monthly amount increases to $1,160.” After the trial work period, the Social Security Disability recipient enters into an “extended period of eligibility”, during which earning over the “Extended Period of Eligibility Limit” may disqualify a person from continuing to receive benefits. In order to determine your additional income limits and whether you can work while still receiving Social Security Disability benefits, it is best to speak with an experienced Social Security Disability lawyer about your case.
Where to Go for Legal Help with Your Social Security Disability Case
If you are seeking Social Security Disability benefits and you need legal help, contact the experienced Social Security Disability lawyers at Nationwide Disability Law. The experienced Social Security Disability lawyers at Nationwide Disability Law are here to help Social Security Disability applicants get benefits due to them. Do not hesitate to speak to a lawyer about your case today. Contact Nationwide Disability Law and speak to a lawyer about your case now.